1942 Packard Y
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(Royal Crown Maroon : Packard : 1942)
1942 paint by Packard with short manufacturer/year paint code of Y. This red automotive paint color is most commonly known as Royal Crown Maroon. The color formulation has been used only in 1942, primarily by Packard. See the detailed list below.

The short make/year code for this paint on a 51754 in 1942, is Y. The code Y is unique to this paint color formulation for this year; therefore, the code can be used along with the manufacturer and year to specify the paint. For example: "Y 1942 Packard". Please note that 1942 make paint codes are quite old and may not exist in many modern databases.

We have only found one paint in our database which matches 1942 Packard Y; although, we did find
1285 additional examples of paint with the name of from other manufacturers.

Example of 1942 Packard Y
1942 Packard Y
See more information on "1942 Packard Y"
or See all paints with a short model/year code of "Y"

Usage list 1942 Packard Y paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
1942PackardYRoyal Crown Maroon

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Make/Year Code : Y
PPG/Ditzler : 50020

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